Creativity and innovation workshop

Improve innovation and develop creative thinking in your workplace. An inspirational three-day creativity and innovation training course to develop creative thinking – for managers and work teams.

Key Focus Areas of the Workshop:

  • Benefits of using a creative approach
  • Facilitator presentation, participant personal introductions and ice breaker
  • Recognising the difference between creativity & innovation
  • Understanding the cycle of innovation
  • Facilitator presentation and group discussion
  • Breaking through thought patterns and assumptions
  • Recognising left and right brain thinking
  • Identifying how creative we are
  • Individual creative thinking exercise, group review and self assessment questionnaire
  • Enabling creativity
  • Simple methods and techniques to develop creativity
  • Identifying ways to further develop creative thinking
  • Individual practical exercises and group review
  • Methods and tools for generating ideas
  • Brainstorming or blue sky thinking session
  • Reverse brainstorming
  • Sort cards or mind maps
  • Sticky notes/Metaplanning technique
  • Identifying when best to use each idea generation technique
  • Facilitator technique demonstration with group plus learning review
  • Logical versus lateral thinking
  • Recognising the differences between lateral and logical thinking
  • Appreciating our strengths
  • Energiser exercise, short presentation, ‘Message in a bottle” exercise, review
  • Creative problem solving
  • Creative problem solving techniques
  • Using the problem checklist, “go wild” and 5 whys
  • Applying to work related problems
  • Facilitator demonstration of techniques, pairs or trios exercise
  • Applying the learning
  • Turning creative ideas into action
  • Small group practical problem solving and creative thinking activities, group feedback and review
  • Reviewing the learning and next steps
  • Review of learning and action planning

Learning Methodology

This practical workshop will provide managers and specialists with a range of simple creative thinking techniques that they can use to generate ideas and solve problems at work. Real life work problems and opportunities can be built into the workshop, enabling participants to leave with some ideas and potential solutions that can be implemented at work.

Who Should Attend
Managers, team leaders, directors, project managers and supervisors.


By the end of the three-day creative thinking tworkshop, the participants will have:

  • An understanding of why some people are naturally creative, but also how everyone can develop their creative skills
  • Knowledge of how to use a range of creative thinking methods, tools and techniques to generate ideas and solve problems

3 Days.
Knowledge ValleyCanada Office
18 King Street East, Suite 1400 Toronto, Ontario M5C 1C4 Canada
Knowledge ValleyEngland Office
Capital House, 47 Rushey Green, Catford, London SE6 4AS, UK.
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Knowledge ValleyCanada Office
18 King Street East, Suite 1400 Toronto, Ontario M5C 1C4 Canada
Knowledge ValleyEngland Office
Capital House, 47 Rushey Green, Catford, London SE6 4AS, UK.
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